The U.S. per capita consumption of seafood has increased to 16 pounds from 14.9 pounds. This is up 1.1 pounds from the year before and is the highest per capita consumption in almost a decade. Americans are enjoying a greater variety of seafood. While shrimp, salmon and tuna continue to be America’s favorite fish and shellfish, the Top Ten Species List by National Fisheries Institute makes up only 84 percent of the 16 pounds consumed. For those looking for a delicacy, sea urchins are enjoyed in a variety of ways—both raw and in prepared dishes. Due to its delicate taste, they are best served with foods that have a neutral flavor, such as pasta or toast. Although there are millions of fish and recipes to delight the palette, the focus on sustainable fishing remains top of mind. Rebuilding depleted fish stocks and reducing the environmental and social impacts remains the top priority for the industry. hashtagchef hashtagrestaurant hashtagfish hashtagsustainable hashtagdining hashtagcooking hashtagflavor hashtagdelicious hashtagwellness hashtagsea hashtagenvironmental hashtaggreen hashtaghealthy hashtagkitchen hashtagseafood hashtagrestaurants hashtagstocks @restaurantnetwork @executivechefs @Sitram USA